الخميس، 31 مارس 2011


Their locations:
Mammals native to Africa, the original .. And live in savannah ..
Mozambique, Namibia., Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa ..


The longer the animals
The length of the male to 5.5 meters from the top of his head until his feet
And the length of the neck alone is 2.1 meters.
Although it has 7 neck vertebrae just like other mammals ..
And have two horns, but they were covered by thick hair ..
Weight: -
Male: 970 - 1395 kg
Female: 700-950 kg
  Average life: - 28 years

Feed on the leaves of acacia and mimosa trees ..
And giraffes live in small herds led by the male ..
Giraffes of the very few animals that do not know swimming ..

Point of weakness as their legs are strong points ..
Giraffes can precede any of his enemies rapacious animals ..
And can kill a lion with a kick of his foot ..
But ..
When cover the legs on the ground to reduce the head to drink from the water ..
What could be easier for predation ..

Animals that attack them:
Giraffes big predators do not attack him and only black ..
Giraffes small (children) .. Leopards and hyenas and crocodiles ..


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